Acts of the Apostles

Acts: Faith In Motion

Book of Revelation: What's Going On?


Corinthians - Not What You Feel... But What You Know!

Daniel - It's Happening Now

Debt: The New Pharoah

Deuteronomy:Reminder For Righteousness

Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon - A Hope Emptied... A Heart Filled

Ephesians: Hope, Riches and Power in Christ

Epistles of Paul to the Colossians

Esther - For Such a Time as This

Ezekiel - Jerusalem!

Foundations of Marriage

Genesis: God's Promises Begin

Government & Election

Habakkuk: Whining To Worship

Harvest Events 2024

Hebrews: Relationship Not Ritual

History of Israel

Holiday Sermons

How We Got Our Bible

Isaiah - The Promised Messiah

Israel, God's Prophetic Timeclock

James: A Faith To Live By

Jeremiah - Hard Hearts, Strong Word

Job: How Heaven Works

John's Letters

John: He So Loved...

Joshua - Princibles of the Promised Land

Judges - Heroes of the Promised Land

Kings - His Kingdom Revealed

Session 20